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Tablet comparison

Discover our different turret options

Find the most suitable turret for your requirements.

Single format turret

Combi turret

FlexAdapt turret

Turret configurations for each tablet press model


  • Futorque X-1: 18

  • RoTab T: 10

  • RoTab Bilayer: 20



  • Futorque X-1: 14

  • RoTab T: 8

  • RoTab Bilayer: 16

B / D format on one turret:

  • Futorque X-1: 7 + 7

  • RoTab T: 4 + 4

  • RoTab Bilayer: 8 + 8

Adapter system for B+D:

  • Futorque X-1: 14

  • RoTab T: 8

  • RoTab Bilayer: 6


Each station can be equipped with B or D format


Single format turrets are designed for the operation with one tableting tool format, mostly B or D. With a dedicated guiding cam set also special formats as EU 1″-441 can be used.

The Combi Turret offers two different punch formats on the same turret. B and D stations alternate on the system, the advantage is a lightning fast format exchange and full format flexibility.

FlexAdapt is a unique all-in-one system: Full format flexibility without compromises in number of stations. Each punch station is equipped with adapters for punches from B to D size (or other special formats). The die table is designed to take D dies, for all smaller formats (B, BB, BBB, BBS etc.) adapters will be used. With it’s huge advantages, FlexAdapt makes any turret exchange system pointless.

Innovative Tablet Presses

Our tablet presses are the key to scale-up, production optimization and potential savings thanks to higher production availability.

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